Finished Mouse-topped Rattlesnake walking stick #29

After many hours of meticulous work, I am happy to have finished this walking stick.  It is carved completely out of one piece of wood.  I always celebrate when I manage to finish a walking stick with two subjects,  being concerned that I might make a mistake on one part or the other and ruin the projectfinished mouse 29

Mice are fun but troublesome.  Carving beady little eyes and getting everything symmetrical is quite a challenge.

29head 009

finished 29 012

6 thoughts on “Finished Mouse-topped Rattlesnake walking stick #29

  1. your sticks are all wonderful and it is very nice you put them up for all to see when I’m looking for carvings I always see and know your carvings on different web pages thanks again.


  2. I have only just discovered your website. I clicked through after you left a “like” on Nick Hunters wordpress site. Nick is a friend of mine and I very much enjoy seeing his works in progress as much as the finished carvings. I have been knocked out by your work and this latest walking stick is wonderful. I’m sure I would appreciate it’s finer qualities even more in the flesh. What you do with wood is quite magical and it is a joy to visit your website. Thanks for documenting and sharing your work. Best wishes for 2015, Mr Cafe 🙂


    • Thank you, Mr. Cafe! I’ve just taken a look at your blog and really like all of the great photos. I’m glad you enjoyed my site. I will continue to add posts as I start new projects. Best wishes to you too. Mike


  3. Love the little mouse, I can’t believe how good you are at carving and painting, your walking sticks are superb


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